The Kellys are a couple in their early 60s with grown children. She’s a high earner in the medical field and has a complex executive compensation plan with her medical group. He’s a business consultant. They’ve put substantial money away in addition to their 401ks. They haven’t fixed a date to stop working, though it could happen in the next few years. Their children are both pursuing advanced degrees and the Kellys would like to help them with those costs.

Though the Kellys have retirement plans and pensions that will offset their anticipated living expenses, they fit the profile of people in transition. They won’t likely start drawing down their resources in the next few years, but their Halbert Hargrove advisor is helping them put things in place to prepare to live off what they’ve built up in a balanced way.


The case studies are included for illustrative purposes only, to provide examples of the HH’s process, methodology and/or services. Any results portrayed in the case studies are not representative of all of the firm’s clients or the clients’ experiences. No portion of this presentation should be interpreted as a testimonial or endorsement of the firm’s investment advisory services. The information contained herein is based upon certain assumptions, theories and principles that do not completely or accurately reflect your specific circumstances. HH makes no representation as to whether investment in any security or strategy mentioned herein was profitable or would have been profitable for any person in the past.  Different types of investments involve varying degrees of risk. Therefore, it should not be assumed that future performance of any specific investment or investment strategy will be profitable. There is no guarantee that the prevailing financial and economic conditions during the time frame of the case studies will continue. Past performance is no guarantee of future results.