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When should you hire a financial advisor? Cecilia Williams, Chief Operating Officer and Certified Financial Planner, shares the 5 key signs of when to make that move including:

  • You have $500,000 in investible assets
  • You are feeling overwhelmed and uncertain about making big financial decisions
  • Lack of time to adequately manage your finances
  • You have a hard time keeping your emotions out of your investing decisions
  • You don’t know if you’re on track for retirement

It’s your life, your goals. We’ll work with you to develop a plan that’s achievable – and feels right. Visit Halbert Hargrove to learn more about how we help families on financial planning and more.

When is it the right time to hire a financial advisor? That’s an important decision that’s based on you and your specific goals and situation. There are many signs that may indicate that it’s time to hire a financial advisor. First, if you have $500,000 in investible assets. This is typically the time where we see people want to have a little bit more oversight and not manage all of it on their own. Second, if you feel overwhelmed or uncertain with big financial decisions. This is where a financial advisor can come in and give you clear objective advice to help you meet your goals. Third, if you lack the time to adequately manage your finances. Sometimes it’s hard to prioritize your finances over everything else that needs done. It’s okay to ask for help. Fourth, if you have had a hard time keeping your emotions out of your investment decisions. Financial advisors can help keep you informed, but also keep things in perspective to help you with your goals and decisions. Lastly, to help you start/stay on track for retirement.