By  JC Abusaid, CEO/President as Featured in Forbes 

September 8th is officially 401(k) Day. It’s a reminder of the value of saving for a secure future, and our own responsibilities in supporting our employees’ retirement.

401(k) plans help your employees protect themselves—creating a deliberate path to achieving a successful financial life in retirement. In terms of our roles as leaders, I can’t think of anything more critical than helping to make that happen.

People in the U.S. aren’t saving enough for retirement—and increasing longevity means that many of us can expect to live well into our 80s and even 90s. The crisis is here. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, of the 69% of private industry workers with access to a retirement plan, only 52% chose to participate.

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These percentages are alarming, and we must do better.

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