By Kelli Kiemle,  AIF®, Managing Director of Growth and Client Experience as featured in Kiplinger 

Saving throughout the year helps a lot, but you can also coordinate with other parents, check out summer camps, hire a college student and share a nanny.

I remember how much excitement and joy summer vacation would bring me as a child. As a mom of two boys, the feeling of summer now brings dread and anxiety, not because I don’t want to spend time with my kids, but because the uncertainty and added expenses are just something else on my to-do list.

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While I still don’t have everything figured out (I still shudder thinking about a few summers ago when I found myself with no child care or camp), this article will provide parents with things I learned along the way, including how to plan and budget for a fun summer for you and your young children.

Budget for summer child care costs

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